Thursday 23 October 2014

Desires of The Earthly Man.

Desires of The Earthly Man.      (Colossians 3)
*Lust as an earthly man's desire. (Matthew 5:28, Mark 4:19) *Wealth as an earthly man's desire (Luke 12:13-21) Hello brethren, very interesting and educative topic here. "The desires of an earthly man". This enlightenment will be based on Colossians chapter 3. Well I'll like us to find out who an earthly man is and what earthly desires are. Well the truth is that every thing we see around is are earthly possessions and the moment we prioritize them so much in our hearts they become earthly desires. (Psalm 20:7). From this explanation, we call then tell that an earthly man is one who puts his heart and trust in earthly possessions. Now let's ask ourselves, what causes one to desire earthly acquisitions rather than seeking God??(Matthew 6:33) We are in an era where men value materialism than human life. Man kills his fellow for the love of money and possessions and this is the desire of an earthly man!! I believe that this is the point we all need JESUS the more... Let's take a practical example. There is a video circulating in social media where a young man's fingers are being chopped of with an axe just because he tried to steal a motorcycle. In that video the whole crowd was in support of the act because no one came to his aid. Well let's look at this from a different perspective. Imagine that young man has Jesus ruling his life, 1.he might never have tried stealing the bike 2. If the crowd had known Jesus to be our Lord and Saviour they would NEVER have had the thought of chopping off the young man's fingers. Remember God is love meaning anyone in God is love also therefore such evil thoughts are far from our hearts. Now there's a lesson to be learnt here and it simply goes like this; EVERYONE NEEDS JESUS NOW! This same desire of the earthly man is the cause of the absolute wickedness in our societies today. Colossians 3 talks about all the earthly desires you could think of… Verse 10… And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him: This certifies that we're still in the image of HE that created us? Wow meaning we're naturally not meant to be men of earthly desires!! So then why should turn ourselves into people who hunger for vanity? (Ecleasiates 1:3; 1:14) Because of earthly desires husband doesn't spend time with family, wife's are now married to their careers and children are engaged to their cell phones in the name of Technology!! Man! How can this be? Have we forgotten our roots so soon? Why have stoop so low for our adversary(the devil) to take control of our lives? Its about time a strong and mighty wave of revival sweeps through the Church to wipe away all earthly desires in our lives. Well, whom are we relying on or waiting for to initiate this movement?? Expecting the messiah to come and die again?? Never! Brethren it is up to you and I to uplift the banner of Jesus higher in this end time of absolute spiritual war fare! References 1 Timothy 5:6, Proverbs 21:17, Proverbs 12:12, Matthew 7:24-27 Luke 12:13-21. #Prince_Nartey #Article_Publishing_Team ©2014

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