Inspirational Quotes

01 When your neighbor falls, do not rejoice but rather restore!

02 Learn to turn your worries into "worship" and your problems into "praise"!

03 One who kneels before God can stand before any man.

04 "Never take God's silence as rejection.His silence over your problem does not mean He's rejected you!

05 "Never reject anyone on account of today because tomorrow is a mystery!"

06 "Everyone can buy a Bible but not the Spirit behind it. its the Spirit that makes the difference!"

07 "Never force anyone to be in Christ, God has given us discretion to make our own choices. Simply speak the WORD into their lives then water it with your prayers..I bet you it will grow by Grace"

08 "When two strong people meet there's no lesson to be learnt.. That's why these two people cannot be in a smooth relationship, one must be stronger to help the other up.. that is, in situations where one is weak the  other is strong and vice versa. In Christ, we are weaker and He is stronger!

09 "If you choose not to worship God, there are many other things both living and  non living which are ready to do so"

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