Monday 30 May 2016

Oluwatosin Victoria Speaks Wisdom...

Today I had the opportunity of attending a funeral for the first time. I had the chance to see a corpse for the first time. What kept on ringing in my mind is "where will u spend your eternity?".

Most of us hold grudges against our fellow human, we backbite, we hate, have you ever thought of accepting yourself the way you are? Have you thought of making yourself better and not envy your fellow's success.

Most of these things don't define us. Someone is a genius in getting ideas, another is good at implementing. Everyone has a superb way in which they fit in.

Most of us feel so immortal, like we're too good to die.
What if you hurt someone now and the moment you turn, a car hits you.

What would be the last thing you do before you die. Worship God or destroy a fellow human?

Are u serving God the way you should?
Procrastinating the things of God, how many souls have you won. Are you even saved?

Do you sing? Who do u glorify with your voice? Most of us who are even in the house of God take his things with levity hands.

Most people say they don't believe in God but who created you n after death, can u keep the human form from decay?

You need to set your priorities in life.
God first and everything follows.

Are your parents keeping you from serving God? Your friends? They won't be there with you in the grave, they won't be there when u rot in hell. Funny enough, they might accept Christ n live on after you're gone. They end up in heaven, you end up in hell.

Some of us actually set a target, at this age you will praise God, at this age you will repent. Time waits for no one. U might die a second to the time you set to repent.

No friend would be there to accompany you to the grave when you're gone. Life is no excuse to sin. The rule is that the wages of sin is death. It's not too late for you

Your life is yours alone to account for, not your father's, mother's, boyfriend's, girlfriend's, best friend's. Live wisely.

John 14:6 makes it known to us that, Jesus is the only way, the truth and life and no one comes to the father except through him.

I wonder how we want to get to God almighty if we don't accept Christ in us to lead us on.

Think of where YOU will spend your eternity

Jesus loves you.


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