Monday 30 May 2016

Oluwatosin Victoria Speaks Wisdom...

Today I had the opportunity of attending a funeral for the first time. I had the chance to see a corpse for the first time. What kept on ringing in my mind is "where will u spend your eternity?".

Most of us hold grudges against our fellow human, we backbite, we hate, have you ever thought of accepting yourself the way you are? Have you thought of making yourself better and not envy your fellow's success.

Most of these things don't define us. Someone is a genius in getting ideas, another is good at implementing. Everyone has a superb way in which they fit in.

Most of us feel so immortal, like we're too good to die.
What if you hurt someone now and the moment you turn, a car hits you.

What would be the last thing you do before you die. Worship God or destroy a fellow human?

Are u serving God the way you should?
Procrastinating the things of God, how many souls have you won. Are you even saved?

Do you sing? Who do u glorify with your voice? Most of us who are even in the house of God take his things with levity hands.

Most people say they don't believe in God but who created you n after death, can u keep the human form from decay?

You need to set your priorities in life.
God first and everything follows.

Are your parents keeping you from serving God? Your friends? They won't be there with you in the grave, they won't be there when u rot in hell. Funny enough, they might accept Christ n live on after you're gone. They end up in heaven, you end up in hell.

Some of us actually set a target, at this age you will praise God, at this age you will repent. Time waits for no one. U might die a second to the time you set to repent.

No friend would be there to accompany you to the grave when you're gone. Life is no excuse to sin. The rule is that the wages of sin is death. It's not too late for you

Your life is yours alone to account for, not your father's, mother's, boyfriend's, girlfriend's, best friend's. Live wisely.

John 14:6 makes it known to us that, Jesus is the only way, the truth and life and no one comes to the father except through him.

I wonder how we want to get to God almighty if we don't accept Christ in us to lead us on.

Think of where YOU will spend your eternity

Jesus loves you.


Wednesday 25 May 2016

Benji Amoah Writes...

I am messaging this early for a reason:
           Are we living for eternity? How much of all we've done is Eternal??? Have we obey Jesus in winning souls? Have we obeyed him in discipling the souls we've won? Please remember that's the task he gave. We may be doing every other thing well but if we are not actively doing this we break his heart. It took his sinless Precious Blood. If the person who evangelized to me delayed all I'm doing today would have been delayed. Lastly look at the fastest growing religion and see this:
         "For the first time ever London has a Muslim mayor. Gambia and Mauritania too have closed their doors to Christianity completely declaring it a Muslim nation. Years ago we didn't take advantage of Northern Nigeria now see. Certain opportunities will be closed doors tomorrow. The urgency of the times. We have the Great Commission to finish. Please let's stay awake." They are blowing themselves for what they believe a lie. What have we done for the Truth? Please don't just read through. Are we passionately and actively doing the work or we are postponing. The more we delay the more we lose souls. What will we tell Jesus when we meet him???????? Soon it will be too late.
         JESUS IS WAKING UP HIS CHURCH TO PREPARE THE BRIDE but they always tell him later or only show concern which won't get the work done. This morning my humble plea. This is the reason for all things. He has helped us achieve a lot of our goals. What of his?? Where are the watchmen of Zion? Where are the apostolic burdens? let the prophetic voices roar. He's coming. Often we are asleep that's why often things like this hardly moves us but may he touch us once again. One thing that breaks his heart is we are choosing what we like to do for him than what he likes. It's a call. He's waking people up this morning. He's raising people who won't fail him. He's calling. People who will live for him not us. Often many have fallen so are even ashamed of serving him but he's restoring and helping all who will call on to him.
I've seen it severally. The army is being prepared. The Bride is being prepared. God is looking for men and women. Who will willfully and joyfully submit to his eternal purposes.
Love you and good morning.-- Benji Amoah