Tuesday 11 November 2014

Confession Unto Salvation.

CONFESSION UNTO SALVATION. (Romans 10:10) Romans 10:10: For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation.KJV The above verse tells mankind of the steps to being saved. What do we mean by being saved? Being saved simply means being eligible to inherit the kingdom of GOD unto eternity after death. The scripture makes it known to us that being or getting saved is an easy process to doubt man is never willing to do this. But why?. Why the reluctance? This is because man has been blinded by the world of darkness. Majority of mankind has already been devoured by the devil. 1 Peter 5:8 the devil is ever ready to get more of mankind into his kingdom but GOD in His infinity mercy has created this wonderful mode of confession to redeem us from the family of the devil. All we need to do in order to inherit eternal life in Heaven is to confess with our mouth (tongue) that Jesus is our only savior who came to live just to die for our sins and also believe with our hearts that He is the one and only true son of God That’s all!! It’s as simple as that. This is just the primary procedure for any man from there then we proceed to doing the work of GOD. All you need to do is confess (say, speak) with your mouth and believe with your heart. This simple confession takes only a short while but man has forgone this short prayer and rather chosen to suffer in a burning lake of sulphur till eternity. So brethren please take note of the prayer below so that you can as well inherit paradise just like me .Amen Dear Lord JESUS, I confess with my mouth and believe with my heart that You are my Lord and Saviour. Please forgive me my sins and grant me the wonderful gift of eternal life. Amen!!! Prince Nartey. 2014©.

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